Monday, December 7, 2015

Do They Add to You, Subtract From You, Multiply With You or Divide You?

Greetings y'all, I apologize for my absence. I've been keeping busy lately, stoking various fires with various irons on my constant journey of upgrading myself.  My time away has also given me plenty of time to think though, and one of those thoughts I'd like to share with y'all today is the importance of keeping your circle tight and not allowing yourself to become anchored by the problems of those around you.

If you're anything like me, then you know the feeling that everyone's relying on YOU to fix their situation.  If you're anything like me, you also know that those same people could care less about YOUR situation, long as theirs is taken care of.  I'm sure you don't mind helping out those you care about every now and then, just as I don't.  However, the problem starts when people begin to feel entitled to your assistance, like you're obligated to drop everything on a whim to accommodate them.  Eventually this kind of energy will begin to deplete you, until you not only decide to take control and only give your help when it's warranted and deserved, but also stand on that and make sure they respect it.  Otherwise they're just going to keep taking from you and taking from you until there's nothing left to take, because they can only do to you what YOU allow them to.

The first thing you must realize is that you need to do is drastically minimize the amount of people in your life who fit this description, and QUICKLY.  Granted some of them may be close family so you can't just write them off like you can others, but you know which people serve you no real purpose other than to try and keep you in the gutter with them, and those are the ones who need to immediately be purged from your system if you EVER expect to progress in this Game.

It's simple really; no, it really is.  There are four important questions you must ask yourself, and four separate categories in which you must place the people you interact with on a daily basis:


  • "In what way does this person's presence in my life improve the quality of it?"
  • "If I find myself in a jam, will I be able to count on this person?  How many times has he/she proven so in the past?"
  • "Does he/she encourage my growth and progress?"
  • "Although this person's growth may not be along the same lines as mine, is he/she at least showing SOME interest in upgrading his/her life and situation?"

Having these type of people around will certainly help you excel in this game, because they provide the kind of positive reinforcement that is extremely beneficial in all four aspect of the Game.  These people are genuinely interested in seeing you succeed, and will pull whatever strings they can to help you achieve it, without even asking for anything in return.  They're just happy knowing that someone they care about is good in life.  If you're having doubts about something, they're the ones you can count on to reassure you and help you regroup and refocus.  If you're looking for a job or trying to start a business, they send leads your way when they come across them to help make your legwork a little less stressful on you.  Not only do they want to see you win, they're trying to win as well; which in turn serves as motivation for you to keep striving for the win.  They're the ones you can kick it with outside of just partying and clubbing, the ones you can sit and have meaningful conversation with about topics of actual relevance.  You can rarely go wrong with people who add to you, so try and surround yourself with as many of them as possible.


  • "Do I only hear from this person when he/she needs something?"
  • "Do I find myself constantly stressed out when interacting with this person?"
  • "Does this person only think of him/herself, with little to no regard for others?"
  • "Do I find myself taking more losses than normal dealing with this person?"

We ALL know them, so no need to go into too much description here.  Unfortunately, for some people this may be the ONLY type of people they have in their lives, which goes a long way in explaining why they find themselves stuck in one spot spinning their wheels.  These people are poison and will drain you of everything you have, both figuratively and literally.  Not only will they use you for every bit of money you may have (not to mention food, rides, etc.), but they'll also drain your energy by way of countless favors, treating you like their personal on-call psychiatrist, the list goes on and on.  You'll find yourself so wrapped up in THEIR problems that you rarely have time to tend to your own, which only compounds them.  When you begin your task of removing people from your life, THIS is the category to start with.  I guarantee, the difference in your peace of mind will be INSTANTLY noticeable.


  • "Does this person promote what I'm doing to others, in order to help me succeed?"
  • "If this person has endeavors he/she knows I'd be interested in, does he/she make a point to contact me and pull me into the loop?"
  • "Does this person point me in the direction of learning materials related to things he/she knows I'm interested in doing?"
  • "If we embark on a venture together, does this person make sure I receive my fair share of whatever profits are made, and nothing less?  If more is made than expected, does he/she make sure I get my cut of that too?"

These people are very similar to the ones who add to your life, in the sense they want to see you succeed in what you do best.  The difference is, while the former type is more along the lines of support, encouragement and morale, the latter takes a more proactive approach.  These are the ones who go out and hit the campaign trail hard on your behalf, like "You need to check out [insert name here], I think he/she can really make good things happen for you."  In this category you'll find people who you can not only have meaningful conversation with, but also brainstorm ideas that can be lucrative for the both of you.  While paperwork is always a smart decision in any business dealing regardless of how well you feel you know or trust a person, with these people that paperwork is just a formality as you're confident beyond the shadow of a doubt that you don't have to worry about them getting over on you.  However, there's a subcategory in this on that consists of those whose only interest and involvement with you is on a business level, so be careful not to confuse them with those in the Addition category and believe they fully have your best interest in mind.  While they're always a beneficial type of have in your life, be prepared to cut them loose at a moment's notice if the situation requires it, if you feel as if they may about to throw you under the bus to save themselves or so they can get ahead.


  • "Does this person try to dismiss my growth, and constantly try to pull me back into my old behavior and lines of thinking?"
  • "Does being around this person put me at a personal conflict of interest because their lifestyle completely contradicts everything I stand for and am trying to do?"
  • "Can I ever expect to get any further in life than I am now if I keep this person in it?
  • "Is this person a lost cause, with zero genuine interest whatsoever in upgrading his/her situation?"

This can be the toughest one right here, because it usually includes those who may be close to you and may be good people at heart, but for whatever reason they just can't get right or outright refuse to.  As a result, they end up becoming a potential hazard to everything you're working so hard to build and you're forced to act accordingly to prevent that from happening.  You may try to pull them in with you in an attempt to "save" them, but we all know the old saying about horses and water.  If their mindset isn't prepared for what you're offering, they'll not only self-destruct trying to take it on but also sabotage your thing, even if unintentionally.  As hard as it may be, you really have little choice but to distance yourself from the ones who fall in this category or become collateral damage of their bullshit.  That's not to say you have to cut them off completely, just keep them at arm's length whenever possible until they're able to get their minds right..and DEFINITELY don't bring them around your business dealings if you expect your prospects to take you seriously.  Otherwise, you risk all the work you put in going down the drain.

When you're out here trying to make things happen, you'll encounter many people who act like they're down for you and got your back.  Unfortunately, a good percentage of said people are doing just that, ACTING.  So if you're tired of feeling used and taken advantage of by them, you have to learn how to be able to distinguish between them and the ones you can legitimately count on.  Ask yourself these four simple questions and reaching the conclusion becomes as simple as 1+1.


Friday, September 18, 2015

Do Your S#!t, Don't Let Their S#!t Do You


     Anytime you set out to do your own thing and forge your own path, it's ALWAYS gonna be those detractors who expect you to just trash all your aspirations, fall in line and become just another spoke in the wheel, and only because that's the "safe" life THEY chose to accept for themselves.  They think just because THEY'RE cool with being someone else's pawn, that you should be too.  Tragically, too many succumb to this pressure and put their dreams on the back burner, never to be seen again.  That's not living, and that's not what we're put on this Earth for.  I understand responsibilities and all that, especially being a parent, but at the same time I also acknowledge my responsibility to MYSELF.  If you know your purpose then follow that shit to the very end, regardless of their misguided opinions thinking they know "what's best for you."

     Because when you really think about it, who are they anyway?  Sure they may be friends, family, or people in positions of "authority" (whatever that REALLY even means); but what gives any of them the right to feel like they know you, better than YOU know you?  Furthermore, do they TRULY have your best interest in mind, or are there ulterior motives at play?  Did they once have dreams that they gave up to fit within the status quo, and therefore don't want to see you fulfill what they were unable to?  Or are they just trying to impose on you what they were taught, because they genuinely believe that's the only way to go about things?  Either way, if you let their line of thinking infect yours with their passive energy, then the most you can ever hope for is to just "get by."  Just.  Like.  Them.

     You see, what needs to be understood is that the average person NEEDS to be told how to do their shit, otherwise they can't even function.  When you put the average person in a situation where they actually have to make a decision for his or herself, oftentimes they can't take the pressure and sometimes they even crumble under it.  Very few seem to be able to make a concrete decision about anything important without seeking out the advice and/or approval of another individual first; and if they DO make one on their own, their next move is to constantly second-guess it and have doubts that it was the right choice. From birth, we are conditioned to follow others' instructions and not ask questions because "That's just life, and that's the way it is."  To many, being a "responsible adult" is going along with the program and not making any waves, not rocking the boat; if you think for yourself and ask questions about certain norms that just don't add up to you, that's considered "childish and immature" and you begin to be perceived as a threat.  So sadly, it seems many are programmed to be self-conscious of any major choice that isn't based on anyone else's input and advice.

     Let's just face it though:  The ones history remembers are the ones who forged their own path, who did it their own way.  The followers, the puppets, no one cares about them; they're expendable, a dime a they should be, for not having the balls to get out here and do their own thing and trying to "play it safe."  Some of you may read this and take offense because it makes you realize you are indeed the latter, but remember this is Good Game 101, so everything said is meant with the intentions of growth.  So with that in mind, think about this:  What reason is there for the world to remember anyone who's just going along to get along, and doing the exact same thing everyone else is doing??  If you're waking up day in and day out, going to a job you despise to bust your ass for someone else and helping to build their legacy instead of your own, then coming home and plopping in front of the TV to watch the game rather than use that time for something constructive to upgrade yourself, what is there that's even WORTH remembering about you outside of your circle of family and friends?  What makes you ANY different than the millions of human robots who do the exact same thing every single day of their adult lives?

     That's why it's VITAL for us to start looking within and tapping into our inner psyches more, because through technology our society is conditioning us to be little more than carbon copies of each other, with a few minor variations here and there.  Society expects us all to think the same, act the same, and more or less be the same, because to do otherwise is too unpredictable and poses a threat to the status quo everyone has become so comfortable with.  Social media has us more concerned with "Likes," retweets and approval than being who we truly are, which will prove to be detrimental to those who aren't in tune with themselves because they will eventually lack any sense of identity.  If you've seen the movie Idiocracy, then I'm sure you have an idea of exactly where I'm coming from.  The need for self-awareness and individual critical thinking skills is more urgent than ever, and with the plethora of information readily available with just a few keystrokes, it can be disheartening to see how few are TRULY willing to take advantage of it.

     Those who choose to remain ignorant, will without a doubt mock and attempt to discourage you from trying to better your position in life; sad to say, but it just goes with the territory of creating your own lane and stepping outside of society's box.  The key is to not even pay them any mind though, keep your sights set on accomplishing your mission the way you see fit, and let them see your GAME at work.  Do your shit.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

What Is GAME? Do You REALLY Have It?


I'll cut right to the chase:  Most likely, this blog couldn't be further from what you were expecting.  Chances are, when you saw the words "good game," it instantly gave you the impression that this would be a spot to come for tips on learning how to pick up women or get over on people.  Well this ain't that.  

For decades, "game" has been erroneously attributed to only those two areas, when in fact it encompasses a much broader range than the average person can ever comprehend.  You see, with true game you don't NEED to get over on anyone, because you know how to make things happen for yourself; with true game you don't NEED to chase after women, because you'll be putting yourself in a position where they choose up on you.  

There's a saying that goes, "The game ain't on you, it's in you;" meaning that true game is all about self-improvement and upgrading, it's about absorbing and internalizing everything going on around you, and then using that to improve all areas of your life.  Game helps you not only stay focused on your purpose, but also to stay on alert for those who may wish to take advantage of you.  

So you see, the benefits of this sort of Game FAR outweigh the ability to pull a few women.  Enough of the formalities though, let's get into the specifics of the ingredients of this Game and how you can make it work for you.



While you might not realize it just yet, this element is THE starting point of the entire Game.  As I stated above, the Game is all about improvement and upgrading yourself; so without growth, none of the rest is even possible.

Think about it like this:  If Lebron or Kobe didn't train as rigorously as they did in the beginning stages of their careers, would we be talking about them as the icons they are today?  Of course not, only reason we do is because they both put the necessary work in to develop their respective games and therefore rise up above the rest.  Without their dedication to Growth, there's a great chance we could be talking about two other players right now in the same light we do them.

The absolute WORST thing you can do is remain stagnant because it's a direct result of no Game; when in a state of stagnation, Growth is impossible. Since Growth is the starting point, that in turn makes the other three elements of Game impossible to achieve as well.  That's why it's VITAL to always subject yourself to things that challenge you, especially mentally.  Read nonfiction books about various subjects, watch documentaries; but don't just read the books and watch the documentaries, because then they're only entertainment and nothing more.  Absorb the material, analyze it, come to your own conclusions, and most importantly, ASK QUESTIONS.  Even if you're only asking yourself, inquire about the things you're curious about so that you may have a more informed opinion.



You have to have a goal.  Once you reach that goal, set another one, and so on and so forth.  If you really want to test your limits and have the confidence to pull it off, set a few goals to work towards simultaneously.  It's all about pushing yourself as far as you can go; once you start to acquire more knowledge on your journey of Growth, the horizons of how far you can go begin to expand, and you'll find yourself setting that proverbial bar higher and higher.  

They say the sky's the limit; but for as encouraging as that phrase is meant to be, all it means is that they reached the sky and became satisfied, that was enough for them.  Once you reach the sky, aim even higher.  There IS no limit.  Position yourself to be self-sufficient so your livelihood doesn't rest in anyone else's hands, and so your seeds can learn by example and follow suit.  Position yourself so that your happiness doesn't  depend on the presence of women, so-called friends or anyone else, because your purpose in life trumps all that.



We've all seen it:  The guy with the "million-dollar idea," who claims to have all the angles worked out; but when it's all said and done it ends up like Ray's Boom Boom Room, the mind is the only place it ever exists.  

A goal with out action is just a dream, and dreams are for people who are asleep.  In 2015, we've become a society that looks for "the quick fix" in practically every aspect of our lives, with the smallest amount of effort possible required to acquire it.  This is something I like to call the Lottery Mentality, which is the genuine belief some people hold that someday they will strike it rich without having to do anything meaningful to earn it.  While many rely on this far-fetched fantasy in order to maintain some shred of "hope", in reality the only thing it guarantees is that they'll be stuck on stupid, spinning their wheels and remaining stagnant while life passes them by.  

This also applies to those who may have a particular skill or talent, but concoct every excuse in the book as to why they should keep working for someone else instead of capitalizing on said skill or talent.  Many times it has to do with fear of failure, and sometimes even fear of success; but a man who can show he fears neither will go far in this world.



Why bother doing anything at all if you're just gonna halfass it and not put your all into it, right?  The only thing the mediocre are ever remembered for, IS BEING MEDIOCRE.  This is why someone like Tupac is still idolized by many even twenty years after his death, and we've all but forgotten about people like Dem Franchise Boyz, Hurricane Chris, etc.  That's why no matter what it is you do, it's important to strive for it to be top-notch; otherwise, there's no point.  

This goes back to the whole "sky's the limit" concept from earlier.  Once you feel you've done the absolute best you possibly can, aim to do even better.  If you're not completely satisfied with what you've done, that's a sign you're doing something right.  That's the shit champions are made of, and that the greats are remembered for.  If you're not reaching for excellence, then you're doomed to forever just exist in this world, instead of making any type of meaningful impact.


So there you have it:  GAME = Growth, Ambition, Motivation, & Excellence.  A lot of dusty dudes are running around talking about they have game just because they can pull the type of females ANY guy could pull with ease, or because they can con people out of shit, but if they don't possess these four characteristics then they're simply talking out the side of their neck.  I have a mini-assignment for you:  Observe some of the more respected guys in your circle, the ones who carry themselves with class and honor; if you don't have any friends like this in your circle, then any well-esteemed man will do.  Watch their mannerisms and their character, and pay close attention to how all four characteristics seem to just radiate from their very being.

So to you cats out there who've had trouble figuring out just what the secret to "having game" is, use this acronym as a reference point of sorts for what to focus on if you're serious about trying to elevate your level of understanding about the the world, the people around you, and yourself.  Even when it comes to attracting women, if you possess the GAME in this sense, it makes them a hell of a lot simpler to not only catch, but maintain.  You don't have to take my word for it though, try it and find out for yourself.


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